Scary Mommy’s “Why Do Moms Always Talk About Coffee and Wine?” (see link to the post below) is SPOT ON. So much of my day revolves around these two “adult” beverages and, honestly, they make me a nicer person. My kids know in the morning if I haven’t had my coffee yet….a lot more “hurry up!” instructions are barked at them from me while I impersonate a drill sergeant. Likewise, they know Mama needs her wine at 7pm while they watch cartoons….the stuff makes the viewing WAY more enjoyable.

These two beverages, ok, the wine in particular, is the reason I decided to create Mommelier to talk about these two themes: wine and motherhood. Since having my daughter S in 2010, coffee and wine have come to define my days (to be honest they had a dear role in my life for a long time before kids, too). I am not ashamed of this, in fact, like Scary Mommy, I draw A LOT of pleasure from these two sources. I give her a “salut” for having the guts to honestly spill the reasons behind such consumption.

Life as a mom is go-go-go (!!!!!). So much so that you need the coffee during the day to keep going and then you need the wine at night to S-L-O-W D-O-W-N. As she said, there are only a few hours of the day that are typically uninterrupted by children.

I also think she brushes another topic; both working and stay at home moms both have this tendency for coffee and wine. In some kind of weird way, it is a normalizer that makes us all human. When we hear about another mom talk about coffee and wine, we sigh and have complete empathy… “I know what you mean!!” just blurts out and common ground is established.

What’s your take on coffee and wine? As a mom or dad, do these beverages seem to pop up regularly in your life? Giving this is a blog about wine and motherhood, my hunch is probably yes, but I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a comment!

Link to Scary Mommy Coffee and Wine blog post


Photo: “Coffee break (3457656569).jpg” by Kenny Louie is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

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