To be honest, there’s been a lot going on the past few weeks. Since Thanksgiving there’s been nonstop family holidays, travel, two preschoolers who are with me most of the day, holiday shopping & decorating, wine school, the blog, and a ground floor renovation in full swing.  On days like today I have been waking up a little begrudgingly and needed an extra dose of coffee during the day and an extra dose of wine at night. My kids and J have been feeling my stress, too. I have gone from tearing up to sharply barking  “put your shoes on NOW.” I can tell my parenting isn’t as “constructive” and “positive discipline” oriented as I try for it to be (true…I never accomplish my goal behavior but at least I am nearer to my goal than I am the past days).  I know I am not alone at all in the holiday stress and the mom exhaustion. In fact, it can be seen as the norm for holiday time.

Then I experienced something magical this morning. After dropping off Pumpkin Pie & Meatball at school I headed towards my favorite coffee shop (of course) and was truly inspired by a Mom. This Motivational Mama was walking with her two girls one on each hand. The oldest was probably 6 and the youngest about 3. She was GOOD with them!! She praised them saying how fast they were and how they weren’t “Slo Moe’s.” Hmmm…I think I had worded that the opposite way just 10 minutes beforehand when I said “Hurry up Slow Poke!” She didn’t seem stressed out, but seemed to be relishing this morning walk to school with her kids.  She was so good and inspiring in her positive reinforcements with the kids that I just had to stay a few steps behind her to get some more goods and, honestly, just feel better from her positivity, too.YoungMotherWithSon

She melted my heart when right before reaching the school building door she started talking about community to her daughters. She told them that community could come in many sizes and forms. A community could be your family, your friends, your religious organization, your neighborhood or village. You could even have community in your heart and carry it with you everywhere making you happy! Talk about the Christmas spirit!! I want this lady to take my kids to school!

Thanks to Motivational Mama I have decided to let the stress slide off like water off a duck’s back. Tomorrow I am going to walk slower to school with my kids and try to be more present. I want my kids to have that same positive parenting and I selfishly want someone to say “OMG she’s so GOOD!” Kidding. Well, maybe there’s a tad bit of truth there.

I have also wanted to make Oreo Pops with the kids for a while, but just haven’t gotten around to it. Oreo Pops are easy enough for even my 3 year old son to do and who doesn’t have fun when sprinkles are involved. I think I will add this to the cheer and with use positive statements like “look at you dunking that Oreo so well into the chocolate!” instead of “Oh, geez, the chocolate is getting EVERYWHERE.” I will tell you how it goes next week and share the recipe with you. Until then, I hope your day was marked by the Motivational Mama and her way of parenting as much as mine has been.

All that said, I still need an extra dose of coffee and wine to get through the Holidays. Definitely not changing that. Swirl, sip, sigh.

#Mommelier #MotivationalMama #Moms #PositiveParenting #MondayMotivation

Image *Young Mother With Her Little Son” courtesy of Radnatt available on here

4 Comments on Motivational Mama

  1. Suzi
    December 15, 2015 at 2:38 pm (8 years ago)

    Love motivational mamas! Thanks for being one, as well, and this fabulous blog! 🙂

    • Mommelier
      December 16, 2015 at 1:32 am (8 years ago)

      Awe, thanks! YOU are a MOTIVATIONAL MAMA in action with your little one!

  2. V. Tugberk
    December 16, 2015 at 4:30 pm (8 years ago)

    This is a great story — positive, motivational, real……one with which we can all relate.

    • Mommelier
      December 17, 2015 at 12:00 am (8 years ago)

      Thanks! It’s a good life reminder of how we can all get stressed out and forget that attitude is everything. Happy Holidays!


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